It's called 31 for 21 because there are 31 days in October and the most common of the 3 types of Down syndrome is Trisomy 21. It was my first time to participate and I certainly felt the pressure, which I put upon myself. In signing up for the challenge, I committed to blog everyday in October to raise awareness about Down syndrome. At least 200 other bloggers were in this year. That's quite impressive!

It definitely wasn't easy to blog for 31 consecutive days especially with everything else I had going on this month - planned and celebrated Matthew's 3rd birthday, IEP meeting and preparing to transition him to school, and a major surgery. I did it though! And I'm glad I did.
The prize for completing the challenge? A priceless sense of fulfillment!
Thank you everyone for following us on our journey! Stick around for more.
Congrats on completing the challenge. You did an awesome job and I love learning from you! I don't think I commented about it, but thanks so much for adding the link for the homeschooling resource!
Awww thanks Cathy! I'm glad you liked the homeschooling resource too. I think Amy Dunaway did a good job putting it together.
Good for you for sticking with it! And happy belated to your little adorable. His party looked like fun!
Congrats! I am so impressed that you did it with all you had going. Maybe you will inspire me to join next year. LOL
Great to see this post! you have prove yourself when you do what you do here.
down syndrome
days will have a little bit more meaning
Good for you for sticking with it! And happy belated to your little adorable. His party looked like fun!
books down syndrome
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