A Little Background
He didn't go through a sleep study to test if he had sleep apnea but my mommy instincts told me he did. We watched him on the video monitor. He sometimes woke up in the middle of the night with a little *gasp* and sat up, was restless and sounded congested. After discussing our concerns with his pediatric ENT over 3 visits, we decided to go ahead with the tonsillectomy and superior adenoidectomy as a solution for the sleep apnea issues. (See blog entry from June 2009 ENT Appointment - Surgery?).
A superior adenoidectomy means that only the top part of the adenoid will be removed. The pediatric ENT will leave the bottom part of the adenoid so that the palate still has something to go up against.
"A child with Down syndrome has a naturally hypotonic palate," the ENT explained. "This is different from a submucous cleft palate but similar in that the palate is softer to the touch than it usually is. The adenoid is basically a 3rd tonsil in the back of the throat and nose which pushes against the palate allowing us to make certain speech sounds accurately. Removing all of the adenoid may cause voice quality issues." Bill and I viewed this as undermining the structure of Matthew's palate. Leaving the bottom part of the adenoid was a precautionary measure to preserve Matthew's voice quality - a way to avoid developing a nasal resonance in his voice.
Ear tubes were needed to help his ears drain middle ear fluid more efficiently. This would be his 2nd set of ear tubes. The first set that was in when he was about 8 months old had already fallen out and the holes from the 1st set of tubes had healed well. He has had fluid in his right ear for many months now and the doctor noted that his ear drum was "purple and bulging." His left ear, however, was fluid-free. Despite the clear ear, both ears still got tubes - a procedure called bilateral myringotomy.
Surgery Day
7:25 am: Matthew had 6 ounces of apple juice, a clear liquid that he was allowed to have until 7;30am. He wasn't allowed food after midnight.

11:00 am: Matthew was becoming irritable from hunger. Several times, he said, "Bibi, crkrs" (Mommy, crackers) while signing crackers. I felt so sorry that I couldn't give him what he wanted. We turned the tv on to the Mickey Mouse channel in our pre-surgery room to keep him occupied.

12:00 pm: A very calm and drowsy Matthew was taken to the operating room. I bought sandwiches for Bill and I to eat while waiting. Elizabeth was so tired.

1:00 pm: The ENT came to talk to us with a post-surgery update. "The surgery went well. Matthew's adenoid was large," he said, "and it may be the chunk of his problem. Our priority now is pain management. Regular tylenol every 4 hours works the best for kids in Matthew's age group. Prescription tylenol with a narcotic called codeine would knock the pain down a few more levels but it seems to cause stomach problems and other side effects in young children. The pain will subside over a few days but may suddenly peak around day 7 of recovery. A few streaks of blood in saliva can be expected but if he starts coughing up bright red blood, call the office and he may need to be taken to the emergency room." So we agreed that we would use regular tylenol and only switch to tylenol with codeine if needed. A nurse led me to the recovery area. Matthew was just waking up from the anesthesia. He was upset, cranky and disoriented. The nurse reassured me that this was nothing out of the ordinary and that Matthew was probably seeing double or had blurred vision as he was waking up. With the tonsillectomy, his voice was also very rough and rattly due to the swelling in his throat and felt like he had something caught in his throat. Matthew eventually calmed down, hugging me, but still attempted to pull his IV out of his hand.

11:00pm: As expected, it was a long and sleepless night for me, a restless night for Matthew, but I was thankful for a successful surgery. I was thankful for being at the hospital and for the IV fluid Matthew was receiving. He was still refusing to drink and the IV fluid was keeping him hydrated. I was thankful for all the thoughts and prayers from family and friends. Thank you!
Now, we begin the 9 to 14 day recovery period.
Related posts:
ENT Appointment - Surgery?
Recovering from Surgery: Days 1 to 9 Daily Diary
What a great post, we are so (not) looking forward to this in a few weeks but, will be thankful when it is all over and those giant tonsils are removed.
Hope you guys get more rest!
Our ENT said we could use ibuprofen if it wasn't time for the Tylenol dose and we were experiencing any pain. Hope his pain stays under control and he is zooming down the recovery road at full speed in no time.
Thanks Rochelle! I will be thinking of Alayna when she gets her tonsils removed. That's interesting that your ENT was ok with ibuprofen. Our ENT said no ibuprofen for 2 weeks due to the risk of bleeding. I'm sure that's not set in stone though as I know someone (RK from the blog Just RK) whose ENT ok'd ibuprofen a week after the surgery but just to monitor if there is any bleeding.
Poor little guy. Wishing him a speedy recovery!
Been wondering how it all went. Glad things are ok so far. Hope he has a surprisingly great recovery!
Reading your story is like reliving it with my boys. Good luck with the ongoing recovery. He'll be sleeping SOOOOO much more soundly once you're through this.
My little girl with DS has the same surgery on November 15th- we are no strangers to surgery as this will be her 9th procedure and far. I hear the recovery from this can be very prolonged. Please keep us posted as to how he is doing!
Thanks for the details of this post! I hope for continued (and quick!) healing for Matthew! :)
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