Friday, October 15, 2010

Book Review - Diagnosis to Delivery: A Pregnant Mother's Guide to Down Syndrome

A wonderful, incredible, comprehensive e-book for expectant parents who have received a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome and are moving forward on this journey into new territory. In a very practical, compassionate manner and easy-to-follow format, it addresses all the common questions and concerns that emerge as parents try to learn more about their unborn baby and life with Down syndrome. Had we received a prenatal diagnosis, this would definitely be a resource I would love to have.

We received the diagnosis after Matthew was born so we hit the ground running. If I had this book then, I think I would've gleaned some useful bits of information to help us through the shock of the diagnosis and the days following it.

I'll be sharing this resource with my OB-Gyn and pediatrician.

This free e-book is available on the Down Syndrome Pregnancy website, which also hosts an interactive blog to supplement the information in the book and provide a venue to field more questions from expectant parents.

Have you read it? What do you think?