He was 16 months old in the photo used in the advertisement, showing off his first pair of athletic shoes. He wasn't walking independently yet. He was also unstable sitting on this step because his legs were too short for him to firmly plant his feet at the bottom of the step. He actually toppled forward after I took several photos of him. I caught him, thanks to my cat-like reflexes (and my proximity). He didn't get hurt. Whew! Little did we know that this photo would become an ad. And I guess that would make Matthew a model.
The caption on the ad is "Your child's smile is forever contagious."

Ad design by Matthew Watson Design Inc.
The caption is so very true :)
very cute photo and how neat!! Pictures of Kayla's eyes were used in a British medical magazine :)
Thank you!
@Michelle, nice! Kayla has beautiful blue eyes.
Aw, and he looks extra-cute in that picture! I love it!
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