Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Toy Review Tuesday: Melissa & Doug Sort & Stack

Melissa & Doug Sort & StackLearning colors is an abstract concept. Once Matthew was familiar with certain objects like car, wagon, or ball, I started labeling them with colors. For example, white car, red wagon, or green ball. It's a way to expand his vocabulary and help him learn his colors.

The Melissa & Doug Sort & Stack toy was also a good way to learn 5 basic colors: red, blue, yellow, purple, and green. Each colored block is also a different shape so the toy can also be used for stacking, matching, sorting, and later on, sequencing. There are helpful activity suggestions on the bottom of the peg board as well.

Matthew received this Sort & Stack at Christmas last year. From our experience, this has been a very good developmental toy for him. He's very interested in stacking pegs or blocks and has the attention span and patience for this toy. If he didn't have the interest, attention, and patience for this toy, then it would not be a good toy for him and I would be looking for other ways to teach him colors.

It is mainly because of this toy that he is able to match colors and label them. Of course this skill wasn't developed overnight. His developmental therapist and I have been working on colors since he turned 2 in October last year. So it's been a work in progress. Now he consistently says "de" for red, "bu" for blue, "owo" for yellow, "pa" for purple", and "guh" for green. Here's a video (from February this year) of Matthew working on this toy with me.


  1. great job Matthew! I love M&D toys

  2. Lily sat on my lap and watched the video of Matthew working so hard. When you said "Do you want to do more", she signed 'more'...lol. Love it!

    I love Melissa and Doug stuff! Right now we only have the musical instruments and a couple of puzzles. I discovered that the local teacher store carries many, many of their products. I will have to look for this toy. I can see it pleasing several of Lily's therapists!!! Thanks for the heads up.

    BTW...Matthew is such a cute sweetheart...and so darn smart!

  3. yay matthew! you have been doing so many great things lately!! :)

  4. growing by leaps and bounds. amazing kid, amazing!

  5. He is doing SO well with the matching! Braska struggles with this concept, and maybe we need to see about this type of toy to work with... Ria to the rescue again!! :o)

  6. Just ordered some! Thanks for your always helpful reviews and information.


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