Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Loss in the DS Community

I continue to be amazed, but not surprised, by the strong bonds formed in the Down syndrome community. Whether it's celebrating the birth of a new baby, celebrating a milestone, deciphering the Early Intervention program, struggling with health issues, or grieving the loss of a loved one, the Down syndrome community doesn't hesitate to offer support, words of wisdom, or encouragement. These are people from different parts of the world. Most have not even met in person and only know each other through blogs or facebook. Down syndrome is the common factor that pulls us all together like one big, wonderful, and diverse family. I feel blessed to be part of this community.

A friend in the blogging community unexpectedly lost her 8-year old daughter, Carly, very recently. I only know the family from reading their blog as Carly and Matthew had one thing in common - Down syndrome. There has been an outpour of prayers and emotional support from their own family as well as the DS community. Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes has a beautiful idea for the DS community to show our support. Read about her idea on her blog post, Big Blueberry Eyes: Doing Something.

(The button below was designed and provided by Jasmine at Windmills and Tulips.)

"We lost our sweet girl. She is now my sweet angel." - Joany (Carly's mom)

Please keep the George family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through a very difficult time in their lives.


  1. Ria, thanks for passing it on. Hopefully we'll raise enough money for Carly's painting.


    Windmills and Tulips

  2. Ever since Kayla was born I have seen time and time again how the Ds community does come together and rally around each other; its wonderful to witness...it's just too bad that sometimes it has to be for such a heartbreaking reason. Thank you for this beautiful post and for spreading the word.


I love hearing from you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, suggestions, and experiences.