Sunday, March 21, 2010

World Down Syndrome Day 2010

Today is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). According to Down Syndrome International, the date (March 21) was chosen to signify the uniqueness of Down syndrome in the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome and is used synonymously with Down syndrome.

Commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day started on 21 March 2006 with the inaugural WDSD launched in Singapore.

Today, I share with you a poem written by my sister-in-law, Lisa Kang.

A Villanelle of Down Syndrome
by Lisa Kang

I am not sad about the fact that I have Down syndrome. It is just part of me. - Margaret Muller

Down syndrome is just one part of me
As there are many parts of you
Open your mind and try to see.

My almond, spangled eyes reveal the capacity
To love, to learn, as others do
Down syndrome is just one part of me.

You see a flattened, mask-like face, irregularity
You miss the beauty shining through
Open your mind and try to see.

I watch the world’s events unfold, with curiosity
The same interests that you pursue
Down syndrome is just one part of me.

Senseless discrimination: your disability
I welcome you, begin anew
Open your mind and try to see.
Discover the dazzling spectrum of my ability
As prisms expand light to show a vibrant range of hues
Down syndrome is just one part of me.
Open your mind and try to see.


  1. Love the poem. Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful, Ria! Tell her the last stanza is my favorite! (Made me cry).

  3. This surely is worth sharing!

    I am one with the celebration of World Down Syndrome Day

  4. Beautiful poem. Thank Lisa for us.

  5. I do care with down syndrome...and they grow up with me each day in my down syndrome private school...i love them


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