Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Toy Review Tuesday: Baby Doll

Baby dolls aren't just for girls, not in our house anyway. Pretend play might be a good way to help Matthew prepare for a baby sister.

baby doll pretend play
The baby doll stays in the baby room. I only allow Matthew to touch her with my supervision, just as I would with a real baby. This also means no poking baby in the eye, no poking anywhere on the face and no pulling on arms or legs.

When I first started this "game" with Matthew, he wanted to climb into my lap and snuggle with me too while I was holding the doll. An early sign of jealousy? Maybe. He has only done that once though.

Baby Doll2 3-23-2010So far he's very interested in the doll and gets excited when I say "It's time to feed baby." I do this at random times throughout the day. He signs "baby" then heads for her room right away and watches me sit in the rocker to give baby a bottle. Sometimes we tickle her tummy (I squeeze it) and she giggles. Squeezing one hand makes her cry. Squeezing a foot makes her babble. Of course, he doesn't know that I'm squeezing her. When it's time to put her down for a nap, he willingly and gently kisses her head.

I'm hoping that this affection toward the baby doll will transfer to his baby sister.


  1. What a great idea! He looks ready for the new baby to come, so loving and sweet. Maybe he can feed the doll after the new baby comes?

  2. Wow, that's such a great idea!!

  3. You're so smart. :o) I love the idea of keeping the baby in her room and only treating her appropriately. He's going to be so great as a big brother!

  4. Great idea Ria. He is learning so many good things now that you will be able to reinforce when baby sister comes along (hopefully that helps with the jealousy part too).

  5. That is so lovely. Cathal has a baby doll too, although, it is a boy doll. We got it on our S&L therapists advice, and use him in imaginary play, (hug baba, kiss baba, baba wants a drink, bab is going to sleep). And tea sets are not just for girls either!!!

  6. That's a great way to get him familiar with a new baby. Having sisters around, John Michael has been playing with Barbie's hair (gently) and Greta's baby dolls for some time now. ANd I just keep repeating the word "Gentle" :-)

  7. This is really a great idea that will surely avoid any problems that might be brought by a new baby around. You are really brilliant!

    This will really prepare him of becoming a big brother in the near future:>


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