Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend With Friends

In Mi Casa Es Su Casa (My Home Is Your Home), I wrote about looking forward to friends spending the weekend with us - friends whom we were meeting for the first time in person. They arrived on Thursday evening from Illinois, near Chicago, which is about a 7-hour drive.

As soon as their little girl, Gabbie, walked into our house, she came right up to Matthew and wanted to shake his hand! Unfortunately, I hadn't taught Matthew how to shake hands yet. He can, however, give high-5's so we tried to high-5 Gabbie instead. Matthew wasted no time in charming Jodee and Jen with his hilarious fake laugh and toothy grins. Gabbie, who is 2 weeks younger than Matthew, impressed us with her walking prowess and consistent vocalizations.

Toddler "interaction" is always so entertaining, even if merely playing nicely next to each other and not necessarily involving one another.

They were so cute playing next to each other in the corn box at Purina Farms.
playing with corn

They had a blast in our backyard "toddler water park", which is comprised of a water table, baby pool, and sprinkler mat.
backyard toddler water park
pool time

They enjoyed the wagon ride together.
wagon ride
They had fun on the swings at the park.
fun on the swings
copperhead snakeThe weekend was not without a first for me, an element of danger, if you will. I saw a 3-foot long copperhead snake for the first time in my 6 years of living here. Ack! It was in the grass at the winery. I was maybe two feet away from it when I spotted it. I backed away fearfully and quickly. Jodee took pictures.

We had an awesome time showing them around town and getting to know them. We're already looking forward to the next opportunity to get together. Because of our mutual friend, Angela, we had the pleasure of meeting such a great family. Because of Matthew and Gabbie, our lives are enriched with more wonderful friendships.

Thank you, Jodee, for many of the great photos.


  1. Those are great pictures! Looks like you guys had a really good time together. Well, except for that ole ugly snake...yuck!

    By the way, where did you find that sprinkler mat? I've never seen one before. The ones I have seen are great big. Like big enough for tons of kids. This is a perfect size.

  2. ABandCsMom, I found the sprinkler mat at Walmart. It was on clearance in the fall last year.

  3. Your little Matthew is so cute! I really like how you have your DS blogs categorized by age- it makes it easy to go and learn more about what's happening with kids at different ages!

  4. looks like you all had so much fun. Love all the photos.

  5. What a fun time everyone had! so glad it worked out for your IRL!

  6. How wonderful to have the chance to meet in person and forge stronger relationships! It looks like a fun weekend (copperhead notwithstanding).

  7. Jen Jodee and GabbieJune 17, 2009 at 12:35 AM

    Thank you Ria, Bill and Matthew for an awesome weekend! We had tons of fun with you guys, and we're looking forward to seeing you guys again!

  8. Looks like a great time!! And those two are ADORABLE together!!!

  9. I love the wagon ride together! Looks like you all had a blast. :-)

  10. I'm a little late in commenting on this post, but I just gotta say I don't think I'll ever tire of enjoying those pics of Matthew & Gabby playing together. There's just something about two beautiful babies enjoying the world around them, together. :)
    Matthew's Proud auntie Kris


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