Sunday, June 14, 2009

St. Louis Buddy Walk 2009

Powered by Smiles
A special message from Team Captain Matthew:

Thank you to everyone who joined Team Matthew for our first Buddy Walk in Forest Park, St. Louis today. I was happy to be surrounded by many people I love - uncles, aunties, cousins, and friends. You made my day extra special and memorable.

Team Matthew shirtThe weather forecast threatened scattered thunderstorms but everyone still came, looking sharp in the team shirts that my Mommy made. Thank you, Auntie Kris for suggesting the perfect caption "Powered by Smiles". I'm so glad we didn't get any thunderstorms at all.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored our walk and cheered us on. Team Matthew raised a little over $600 for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis (DSAGSL), which is an organization that provides services and support for individuals with Down syndrome like myself.

I hope everyone had fun. GO TEAM MATTHEW! Let's do this again next year!

Team Matthew


  1. This is so cool!!! I cant wait to participate in our local buddy walk. The t shirt and quote is adorable!!!

  2. Love that quote! What a nice turn out you had for your walk.

  3. Thanks for sharing pictures! I didn't know Gabby (Guzon) joined you on your walk. Did Jen and Jodee drive from Illinois?

    Go Team Matthew!

  4. Now why didn't I read your previous post (Mi Casa Es Su Casa (My Home Is Your Home) before commenting?! Haha! I'm so glad you and Bill and Matthew finally met the Guzons. I can't wait for more pictures from their visit!

  5. Way to go on raising so much money for your first walk. Matthew (and you all) look great!

  6. Dear Matthew (& Mommy),

    Thank you for the sweet post! The pleasure of being at the Buddy Walk with you was all ours!!! Your big cousin Sarah is already talking about going next year! We'll be there!
    It was als great to meet your new friend Gabby & her parents!!!!
    Auntie Kris

  7. What a great turn out! I love the shirts!

  8. Great photos and video, Ria! I can tell that you all had a great time and the tee shirts for Team Matthew are adorable! Maybe we can walk with you next year?? (Give us a heads up on the date if you want to expand your group!) - Amy on Brookview

  9. Amy,
    We would love to have you join us next year! The more the merrier.

  10. Hey, we were there too! Maybe next year we'll be able to say hi because we've met between now and then. Here's what Braska had to say about it..

  11. RK, thanks for dropping by. And thanks for the link to your blog. Will check it out now.


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