Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday, Matthew!

Four years. Wow!

Just a couple months ago, I experienced one of the sweetest moments in my life. Matthew spontaneously said for the first time as I tucked him in bed, "Love you (3-second pause) so much!"

Today, he is 4.

Today, he continues to inspire many people.

Today is another step (or little trampoline jump) into tomorrow as he makes his way in this life, believing that he CAN!

Matthew, we love you (3-second pause) SOOOO much!

I believe
fate smiled at destiny.
Laughed as she came to my cradle
"Know this child will be able"
And laughed as my body she lifted
"Know this child will be gifted
with love, with patience and with faith."
(From the song "Wonder" by Natalie Merchant)


  1. Happy Birthday! Jump high Mathew!


  2. Happy Birthday all the way from Spain!!! Hope you are having a a great day! ;)

  3. Happy Happy Birthday sweet Matthew!! You are such a darling boy! I have loved watching you grow into such an awesome little are so adorable!!


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