Thursday, September 8, 2011

Conversation Book: Picnic by the River

I like to take photos. I'm not a professional photographer by any means but the photos I take are good enough to tell a story. They are good enough to put in Matthew's conversation book for school. Matthew enjoys looking at them and sharing them with his teacher and friends.

Photos in the conversation book can be about a special event or just any typical, everyday thing we do. The main criteria is that the photos are interesting and relevant to Matthew.

We went on a mini-picnic by the river last weekend. It was a nice, simple family outing. No picnic baskets or well thought-out picnic food. Just burgers and sweet potato fries from a fastfood place in town. No rain. Just the warm sun and gentle breeze. And it was a new experience for the kids. They had never eaten by the river before.

And these are my favorite photos of that day.

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