Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Toy Review Tuesday: Golf Tees

cat watching
Yuri relaxes in a chair. He's safe from excitable little hands for the moment. Still, he watches them, on guard and ready to get away if needed.

The kids are momentarily distracted with golf tees and styrofoam. They are fine tuning their pincer grasps to improve their fur-grabbing powers.

golf tees

golf tees 2

Sometimes we stick golf tees into styrofoam. Little circles and/ or numbers drawn on the styrofoam with permanent marker as a target for the golf tees makes the activity a precision and counting game. Written letters on the styrofoam are great for reviewing the alphabet too.

Play-doh has also proven to be a good material to poke with golf tees.

When the kids are done with the golf tees, they turn their attention back to the cat. Poor cat. Poor, tolerant cat.


  1. Run, Yuri, Run. What a great idea. Haven't golfed in 10 years but still have tons of tees. Breaking those out when we get home.

  2. what a great idea!! Thank you so much.

  3. Love this idea! I've been looking for more pincer grasp activities and this will be great.

  4. When styrofoam becomes too easy....try pounding them into pumpkins. :-)


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