Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Video by Ashley

Ashley is an incredible, loving big sister to Laura. She captures Laura's charm and beautiful spirit with her photography and shares her with us on her blog Dear Laura..Love, Sissy. With her permission, I am sharing this video that she put together to raise awareness about Down syndrome. Enjoy the video!


  1. So glad that you are passing this along and sharing with everyone, Riz! I saw this on FB (Landon missed out on this one, didn't get his pic in on time), Ashley is an amazing young lady with such great talent. She has lots to share with our typical children who have been blessed with a sibling with that magical chromosome!!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this, Ria! And thank you all for the kind words :) You all are so sweet <3

  3. Beautiful - brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting!


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