Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thankful for Mom

I miss my mom.

When she arrived in April, 3-1/2 months seemed like a lengthy period of time. When I saw her off at the airport earlier today, it felt like the time was cut short. It was a tearful goodbye. Now, I find myself wishing she could've stayed here longer and didn't have to leave yet.

I am thankful that she made the trip here. I am thankful for her tremendous help around the house and with the kids, especially right before and after Elizabeth was born. I am thankful for the countless hours of play she and Matthew shared. I am thankful for the countless times she took Elizabeth off my hands so I could run errands more easily or spend one-on-one time with Matthew. I am thankful for our conversations and the time we spent together even if we didn't get along 100% of the time. But isn't that how most mother-daughter relationships are?

I am thankful for her and I look forward to the next time she can visit, whenever that may be.

with 1 month old Elizabeth
goofing around with Matthew
blowing bubbles for Matthew
blowing bubbles with Matthew
basketball with Matthew
with smiley 1 month old Elizabeth
Mother's Day 2010
Step Up for DS 2010
loving Matthew's hugs
at a peach orchard
peach picking with Matthew
Elizabeth's baptism

Related post:
An Extra Special Mother's Day


  1. Glad she was there to help and be a part of Elizabeth's entrance to the world and get time in with Matthew. What a huge blessing. Hope all goes smoothly with her trip home.

  2. so sorry Ria. wish she could have stayed long or forever with you. I know how hard it is not to be with your family. praying for a safe trip home for her.

  3. I'm sure it's hard for her to be leaving, but it's great she was able to stay with you for so long.

  4. I just discovered your blog and I LOVE it. Thank you for your toy and book lists/reviews. Great idea. Look forward to reading a lot more.

  5. I LERV the picture of your Mom and Matthew. It is so silly and funny and touching all at the same time.

  6. I completely understand what you mean in this post. When the kids and I moved in with my mom when Joe deployed I knew she was going to be a tremendous help to me, and she was. We lived with her for 1.5 yrs and when we just moved out last month it was so very hard to say goodbye. It was like wait! I'm not ready! 1.5 yrs couldn't have passed already! She did so much for me/us while we were living there and I'm forever grateful we were able to stay with her during that separation. Goodbyes are always so hard :(


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