Saturday, August 7, 2010

Real Life Captured

These amazing photographs were taken in early June. They perfectly portray our life at that point in time: sleep deprived (but happy) parents with a toddler and a new baby.

Elizabeth was just a little over a month old. She cried a lot, probably three times more than Matthew did when he was a month old.

Matthew was 32 months old, active and curious (still is). He was fascinated with the ducks and wanted to follow them around saying "da-da-da" (duck-duck-duck).
Your Story Photoart 1
Your Story Photoart 2
Your Story Photoart 3

We thank professional photographer, Jeremy Keltner, of Your Story Photoart for these beautiful photos. He did a wonderful job capturing not just the moment but its essence.
(Note: photos posted with permission from Jeremy)


  1. Those are wonderful...thank you for sharing!

  2. awesome pictures! What a beautiful family!

  3. awesome pictures! What a beautiful family!

  4. Thanks for the mention in your blog Ria! Nice to meet you and your family!



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