Sunday, June 13, 2010

Step Up for Down Syndrome 2010

Step Up for Down Syndrome 2010 is formerly known as the Buddy Walk. It is the major fundraiser for our local Down Syndrome Association.
Step Up for Down Syndrome 2010 starting line
This is Team Matthew's 2nd year to join the walk. This year, Matthew's auntie, uncle, cousins and Lola (Filipino word for Grandma - aka my mom) walked with Team Matthew.
family photo
Lola at the walk
Team Matthew
There were bounce houses and other fun activities for the kids. Matthew got a balloon fishing rod from the balloon man.
balloon fishing rod
Weather-wise, this year was hotter (a high of 95°F) and more humid but that didn't stop us and hundreds of other people from showing up and walking.
SUDS walkers
Matthew kept cool with a bottle of water (drinking and pouring water all over himself). He was completely soaked by the end of the one-mile walk. No worries! He had a nice time riding in his wagon with his cousin and he had an extra set of clothes.
water bottle cool
water bottle cool

Related post:
St. Louis Buddy Walk 2009


  1. We didn't make it this year, but it looks like it was a great day!!!

  2. so awesome Ria! looks like a great day!

  3. Our walk in Nebraska is going with the Step Up walk theme this year also. But ours is not until October. Glad you had a good day.

  4. Looks like you had a great day!


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