Monday, May 10, 2010

With His Li'l Sis

Pretend play with a baby doll was the logical solution for us to prepare Matthew for his baby sister. A baby doll seemed to give him a more concrete experience of learning how to interact with the baby compared to just reading books about being big brother. He certainly enjoyed watching me feed the baby doll a bottle of pretend milk. He also gave the baby doll gentle kisses on the head. Yet, before bringing Elizabeth home, I still wondered how Matthew would adjust to his little sister. Will he be jealous? Will he ignore her? How will he interact with her?

It's been a little over a week since we brought Elizabeth home. Matthew hasn't shown a single sign of jealousy yet. He ignores her most of the time though but just because he's busy playing with my mom and his toys. Otherwise, her acknowledges her existence and is very curious about his little sister.

On his tippy toes by the changing table, he tries to sneak a peek at her while I change her diaper. When she's crying and in my arms, he comes close to see what's going on and sometimes gently touches her hair or head.
head touch
When he sees me feeding Elizabeth, he gets the baby doll and gives the doll a bottle. We were showing her one of Matthew's favorite toys (a musical star) one day and Matthew didn't try to take the toy away. He simply activated it for her (and his) amusement.
playing with musical star
He's been a good big brother so far. Not once has he tried to pull on her hair (like he pulls on our cat's fur). He has not poked her in the face or pulled at her arms or legs. He's been gentle around her. Matthew also gives Elizabeth kisses on the head just as he did with the baby doll.
head kiss
I'm sure the dynamics will change as the two get older. It will be interesting to see what they will learn from each other.

Related Posts:
Toy Review Tuesday: Baby Doll
Preparing for a Baby Sister


  1. Sweet! Glad he is doing well with the transition to sisterhood.

  2. I just love seeing him with his new little sis... he's so darn adorable, by the way! Growing into quite the handsome little toddler. :o)

    It is alot of fun to watch the sibling thing evolve...I like watching the girls interact more that I thought I would. And now that they're into tackling each other and wrestling and shoving...well, it's pretty entertaining. (when we're not reprimanding or redirectiong. ha!)

  3. I LOVE these photos, Ria. So encouraging for what we'll be going through, too. Matthew has such a sweet look on his face.

  4. So sweet, Ria! Makes me more excited to see Eon's reaction to his little sibling. Matthew looks like a great big bro!

  5. so sweet. how blessed you are

  6. what adorable pictures! they are going to be such great friends in time. my brother was 2.5 years older than me and we played together all the time as little kids.

  7. What sweetness! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos Ria. And congratulations on beautiful baby Elizabeth's arrival.

    Smiling for you all -

  8. Congratulations, Matthew looks like the picture perfect big brother. They are both beautiful :-)

  9. Adorable!!!

  10. Oh your big boy is so sweet with his new little dolly girl! I worried too, especially with my Middle Little, but both of our older children have taken a protective role toward Jack! Take lots of pictures with them together...those photos are even more precious years later than they are in this moment!

  11. what sweet, sweet, pics! He's already a wonderful big brother!

  12. awwww...soooo cute! Great pics Ria I am so happy for you! Congrats, girl!! whooo hoooo!!

  13. They look so sweet together!


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