Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Toy Review Tuesday: Bowling Set

Bowling SetMatthew enjoys playing with this bowling set that he received from his Auntie Lisa. The 10 pins are lightweight and colorful. The ball is easy enough for little toddler hands to hold.

Initially, Matthew didn't understand the concept of using the ball to knock the pins down. He just knocked them down with his arms. He still does that these days just for fun but he uses the ball more. In the video, you'll see that his idea of taking out the pins with the ball is the best way to guarantee a strike or at least a spare. He is also learning to set up the pins himself. And when I set up the pins for him, he usually waits for me to finish before knocking them down.

I like this set because it is:
- FUN!
- good for hand-eye coordination.
- another toy for learning colors.
- good practice for gross motor skills.
- a good tool for teaching concentration and patience, especially when setting up the pins.
- easy to disinfect with Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface if needed.

Non-bowling Fun
Other ways we have discovered to play with this set include:
- setting up the pins and knocking them down with a big truck or scooter.
- banging the pins together to make "music".
- matching colors.
- watching each pin go tumbling down the stairs (a game Matthew discovered by himself).
- bopping the cat with a bowling pin (not a game I encourage but it is amusing to watch). Thankfully, our cat, Yuri, is very patient with Matthew.


  1. Bravo! Matthew, you are so clever. :)

    We bought a bowling set for my daughter when she was younger and she didn't have the concept how to play too and used to knock it down with her hands just like Matthew. LOL!

  2. great job Matthew. we have a few different bowling sets and Noah loves them.

  3. I get such great information from your blog...thank you for that!

    Matthew is such a cutie and doing such a great job!!

  4. I got Nate a similar set for Christmas, and he loves it! He's not quite sure what to do with it, but Andrew helps him and cheers him on. He thinks he meant to throw the ball, and then knock the pins down himself. lol!!

  5. what a great toy! I'll have to file this in my memory bank for when Marissa gets a little bigger.


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