Sunday, August 9, 2009

There's A Matthew On My Back

Guess who LOVES piggy back rides.

Kneeling or sitting near him is an open invitation to a piggy back ride. The maniacal grin and giggle as he approaches are tell-tale signs of his intent. If I turn to face him, he'll crawl or walk around me to get on my back. Resistance is futile. When his little hands latch on to my shoulders, it's time to giddyup and go.

Piggy Back Riding Lessons
- It's a fun way to learn Stop & Go.
- Even more fun to learn Fast & Slow.
- It's just as fun to go Up & Down like on a carousel.
- Also, there's no reason for me to exercise at a gym since piggy back rides are part of the daily routine.


  1. so cute!!! i miss piggy back rides. haha!

  2. Way to go "pony" Mom. You give really good piggy back rides and really teach him alot while having fun. There is no better way to lean than while having a great time. He is so cute and I love the look on his face right before he climbed on your back and at the end when he started walking toward you. I swear he gets cuter every day! Thanks for sharing the video it put a big smile on my face.

  3. he looks like he loves them, i'll keep that in mind for max:)

  4. Matthew is just too cute! Love the video - thanks for sharing it. You do such a great job incorporating learning into play! Well done!! A great reminder to me!



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