Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Toy Review Tuesday: Take N' Toss Cups

Sometimes the simple toys are the best toys. While these "Take n' Toss" plastic cups aren't exactly toys, they provide Matthew with just as much entertainment as any other variety of stacking and nesting cups available at most toy stores.

We discovered this game when Matthew found the plastic cups that I keep in a bottom drawer in our kitchen. Currently, Matthew is in the 'open-and-close-drawers-and-doors' stage and the 'stack-everything-and-anything' stage.

Stacking and nesting cups help develop eye-hand coordination skills, as Matthew demonstrates in this video.


  1. Your son is ADORABLE!!! Great site, I hope to review it more later - getting ready for work now. Thank you for visiting my site!

  2. He is so cute. Noah loved plastic lids and cups as well.

  3. such a good idea!!! we use these cups in our house for henry to drink out of. they are the perfect fit straw cup in my mind! now they have a second use...even better!

  4. Super cute! Great stacking and concentration. He and John Michael are similar that way. I love those take n toss kinds (we have yet to toss one, though), because they're lightweight, see-through, and have a lip on the lid for easy handling. Stacking is another bonus of the cups :-) as well as pouring water in the tub.

  5. another good thing to use are measuring cups. You already have them in your cupboard and you can use them for numbering.

  6. What a great idea for those cups!


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