Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Toy Review Tuesday: Step 2 WaterWheel Table

Step 2 WaterWheel Table
Summer's here! The best toys for the summer are mostly ones that squirt water, hold water, splash water, or anything water. We got this Step 2 WaterWheel Play Table for Christmas last year and we're excited to finally have it out for the summer. A few other versions of this water table include the Sand and Water Transportation Station and Arctic Splash Water Table. There are many more choices on amazon.com but we liked this one because of the simple design and the fun waterwheel. It comes with a 2 boats, a cup and a waterwheel tower.

splash, splash, splashI like that the table elevated and at a perfect height for my 19-month old to play comfortably. Not only does he have fun playing with water, he also gets to practice standing. Sometimes I notice that he does not hold on or lean on the table for support for a few seconds! It's also sturdy enough for Matthew to pull up on and lean on, yet light enough for me to lift (without water in it of course). Matthew's too little to pour water into the bucket above the waterwheel right now but he can manually spin the wheel and watch it go. I'm sure he'll have fun pouring water into it when he's tall enough to reach the top of the water tower. The table is big enough to accommodate 2 or 3 toddler friends. Anyone want to come and play? Be prepared to get splashed though!

I do wish the table had a plug at the bottom of the basin to make it easier to drain the water. But I suppose it's light enough anyway that it's just as easy and quicker to pour the water out.

Overall, I think this is a great deal for what we paid. I have also used this for snow in the winter. I set it up in our kitchen. Matthew wasn't interested in the snow but our indoor cat, Yuri, sure had a ball! The table is great for kids and pets!

In the photo below: Father and son love water. Matthew is having fun at his water table while Daddy cleans his scuba diving gear.
water table fun

Approximate retail price as of today: $29.32

About 'Toy Review Tuesday': Every Tuesday, I write about our experience with a toy, while trying to incorporate thoughts on how it may help a child with Down syndrome. This review is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product nor do I intend to put pressure on parents to purchase the toys reviewed. Questions, sharing your own experience, or any other helpful insights are welcome in the comment section.


  1. What a great water table. I think Matthew is going to have fun this summer playing.

  2. that is so cute! My Noah would love it! Looks like Matthew loves it too!

  3. Thanks for checking out Lily's blog! Matthew is very cute!

  4. Hey Ria!!! Thanks for visiting us on JEB's journey. It's always great to have a new person join us on that journey.

    Matthew is adorable!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys better thru your blog!!

    deb and JEB

  5. wow, what a great price for that table! I love that he can use it as support for standing. Very good practice.


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