Sunday, June 7, 2009

Matthew's 8th Haircut

Matthew's 1st haircut"What an adorable little girl!" That's what I probably would've heard had I waited until Matthew was a year old to get his hair cut. And if I waited until this month, he would probably have shoulder-length hair.

He was born with a head full of hair. Some babies who have hair at birth, lose the hair at some point and regrow new hair. Not Matthew. His just kept growing longer and thicker. He didn't lose any of it. He had 3 haircuts at The Classic Comb, a salon in town, before his first birthday. To date, he has already had 8 haircuts. That's a few more haircuts than a little boy OR girl his age would have had, isn't it?

At the salon, I always have the cape around me and him on my lap without a cape (he dislikes it). We end up with cut hair all over him and just a little bit on me. He doesn't really mind the hairy situation but I don't want the hair in his carseat so I have always brought an extra set of clothes to change him into before we leave the salon. Seven times, we did that. Finally, at his 8th hair appointment, I think I have a solution to keep most of the hair off him. I had him wear one of my shirts.

wearing Mommy's shirt

Ta-dah! Worked like a charm.

8th haircut June 2008


  1. He looks so handsome with his new haircut!Great idea to put the t-shirt on him while he got his hair cut.

  2. wonderful that he is so happy getting his hair cut. Noah still cries and hates every bit of it. Great idea!

  3. WOW!!! 8 haircuts already!! That is way more than most kids! He is adorable!!!

  4. that boy is so cute i can hardly stand it!

  5. He is so cute! (and I am so jealous of his fast growing hair...mine grows about 1/2 inch per year!)

  6. Such a cutie. Great looking haircut.

  7. whew...look at all that hair they cut off! What a great idea too.


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